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Hooks Reference

Icon LinkReact Hooks Reference

Icon LinkuseAccount

Retrieves the current fuel account and returns the account address <string | null>.
const { account } = useAccount();
// fuel1r20zhd...

Icon LinkuseAccounts

Retrieves the fuel accounts and returns the addresses of the accounts <string[]>
const { accounts } = useAccounts();
// [fuel1r20zhd..., fuel1qqluc9..., ...]

Icon LinkuseBalance

Fetches the balance <BN | null> of a specified address and asset ID. Additionally, it includes a listener that triggers a balance refresh when the window gains focus.
const { balance } = useBalance({
  address: 'fuel1r20zhd...',
  assetId: '0x000000000...',
// 1000 (example balance)

Icon LinkuseChain

Fetches information about the current Fuel network <ChainInfo | null>.
const { chain } = useChain();

Icon LinkuseConnect

Facilitates the connection to the Fuel wallet. Allows selecting a connector by name. It also provides a function <UseMutateAsyncFunction<boolean | undefined>> to initiate the connection and relevant mutation properties for managing the connection state.
const { connect, connectAsync } = useConnect();
const handleConnect = async () => {
  connect('Fuel Wallet');
  // Async way
  await connectAsync('exampleConnectorName');

Icon LinkuseConnectors

Retrieves a list of available connectors <Array<FuelConnector>> for connecting to Fuel.
const { connectors } = useConnectors();

Icon LinkuseDisconnect

Facilitates disconnection from the Fuel Wallet. It provides a function <UseMutateAsyncFunction<boolean | undefined>> to initiate disconnection.
const { disconnect } = useDisconnect();
const handleDisconnect = async () => {
  // Async way
  await disconnectAsync();  

Icon LinkuseIsConnected

Checks whether the user is connected to the Fuel protocol. It provides a boolean indicating the connection.
const { isConnected } = useIsConnected();
// true

Icon LinkuseNodeInfo

Asynchronously retrieves information about the connected node, checks compatibility with a specified version. The function returns isCompatible (a <boolean>), and node information.
const { isCompatible } = useNodeInfo();

Icon LinkuseProvider

Returns the provider from the Fuel object instance.
const { provider } = useProvider();

Icon LinkuseTransaction

Retrieves transaction information associated with a specific transaction ID by using the provider.getTransaction method.
const { transaction } = useTransaction({ txId: 'fuel1r20zhd...' });

Icon LinkuseTransactionReceipts

Retrieves transaction receipts <Array<TransactionResultReceipt>> associated with a specific transaction ID using the useFuel hook.
const { transactionReceipts } = useTransactionReceipts({
  txId: 'fuel1r20zhd...',

Icon LinkuseWallet

Retrieves wallet instance <Account | null | undefined> and ensures the presence of a valid address and fuel instance.
const { wallet } = useWallet({ address: 'fuel1r20zhd...' });