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Rust Differences

Icon LinkDifferences From Rust

Sway shares a lot with Rust, especially its syntax. Because they are so similar, you may be surprised or caught off guard when they differ. This page serves to outline, from a high level, some of the syntactic gotchas that you may encounter.

Icon LinkEnum Variant Syntax

In Rust, enums generally take one of three forms: unit variants, which have no inner data, struct variants, which contain named fields, and tuple variants, which contain within them a tuple of data. If you are unfamiliar with these terms, this is what they look like:
// note to those skimming the docs: this is Rust syntax! Not Sway! Don't copy/paste this into a Sway program.
enum Foo {
    TupleVariant(u32, u64, bool),
    StructVariant {
        field_one: bool,
        field_two: bool
In Sway, enums are simplified. Enums variants must all specify exactly one type. This type represents their interior data. This is actually isomorphic to what Rust offers, but with a different syntax. You can see the above enum but with Sway syntax below:
// This is equivalent Sway syntax for the above Rust enum.
enum Foo {
    UnitVariant: (),
    TupleVariant: (u32, u64, bool),
    StructVariant: MyStruct,
struct MyStruct {
    field_one: bool,
    field_two: bool,