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Fn Selector Encoding

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To select which function you want to call, first, this function must be in an ABI struct of a Sway program. For instance:
abi MyContract {
    fn foo(a: u64);
    fn bar(a: InputStruct );
} {
    fn baz(a: ()) { }
The function selector is the first 4 bytes of the SHA-256 hash function of the signature of the Sway function being called. Then, these 4 bytes are right-aligned to 8 bytes, left-padded with zeroes.
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Note: The word size for the FuelVM is 8 bytes.

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The signature is composed of the function name with the parenthesized list of comma-separated parameter types without spaces. All strings encoded with UTF-8. For custom types such as enum and struct, there is a prefix added to the parenthesized list (see below). Generic struct and enum types also accept a list of comma-separated type arguments in between angle brackets right after the prefix.
For instance, to compute the selector for the following function:
fn entry_one(arg: u64);
we should pass "entry_one(u64)" to the sha256() hashing algorithm. The full digest would be:
Then we would get only the first 4 bytes of this digest and left-pad it to 8 bytes:
The table below summarizes how each function argument type is encoded
structs<<arg1>,<arg2>,...>(<ty1>,<ty2>,...) where <ty1>, <ty2>, ... are the encoded types of the struct fields and <arg1>, <arg2>, ... are the encoded type arguments
enume<<arg1>>,<arg_2>,...>(<ty1>,<ty2>,...) where <ty1>, <ty2>, ... are the encoded types of the enum variants and <arg1>, <arg2>, ... are the encoded type arguments
arraya[<ty>;<n>] where <ty> is the encoded element type of the array and <n> is its length
tuple(<ty1>,<ty2>,...) where <ty1>, <ty2>, ... are the encoded types of the tuple fields
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Note: Non-generic structs and enums do not require angle brackets.

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enum MyEnum<V> {
    Foo: u64,
    Bar: bool,
struct MyStruct<T, U> {
    bim: T,
    bam: MyEnum<u64>,
struct MyOtherStruct {
    bom: u64,
fn complex_function(
    arg1: MyStruct<[b256; 3], u8>,
    arg2: [MyStruct<u64, bool>; 4],
    arg3: (str[5], bool),
    arg4: MyOtherStruct,
is encoded as:
abi MyContract {
which is then hashed into:
and then the encoded function selector is: