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Argument Encoding

Icon LinkArgument Encoding

When crafting transaction script data, you must encode the arguments you wish to pass to the script.

Icon LinkTypes

These are the available types that can be encoded in the ABI:
  • Unsigned integers:
    • u8, 8 bits.
    • u16, 16 bits.
    • u32, 32 bits.
    • u64, 64 bits.
    • u128, 128 bits.
    • u256, 256 bits.
  • Boolean: bool, either 0 or 1 encoded identically to u8.
  • B256: b256, arbitrary 256-bits value.
  • Address : address, a 256-bit (32-byte) address.
  • Fixed size string
  • Array
  • Enums (sum types)
  • Structs
  • Vectors
  • Tuples
These types are encoded in-place. Here's how to encode them. We define enc(X) the encoding of the type X.

Icon LinkUnsigned Integers

u<M> where M is either 8, 16, 32, 64, 128 or 256 bits.
enc(X) is the big-endian (i.e. right-aligned) representation of X left-padded with zero-bytes.
  • In the case of M being 8, 16, 32 or 64, total length must be 8 bytes.
  • If M is 128, total length must be 16 bytes.
  • If M is 256, total length must be 32 bytes.
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Note: since all integer values are unsigned, there is no need to preserve the sign when extending/padding; padding with only zeroes is sufficient._
Encoding 42 yields: 0x000000000000002a, which is the hexadecimal representation of the decimal number 42, right-aligned to 8 bytes. Encoding u128::MAX - 1 yields: 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFE, it's right-aligned to 16 bytes

Icon LinkBoolean

enc(X) is 0 if X is false or 1 if X is true, left-padded with zero-bytes. Total length must be 8 bytes. Similar to the u8 encoding.
Encoding true yields:

Icon LinkB256

b256 is a fixed size bit array of length 256. Used for 256-bit hash digests and other 256-bit types. It is encoded as-is.
Encoding 0xc7fd1d987ada439fc085cfa3c49416cf2b504ac50151e3c2335d60595cb90745 yields:

Icon LinkAddress

A 256-bit (32-byte) address, encoded in the same way as a b256 argument: encoded as-is.
Encoding 0xc7fd1d987ada439fc085cfa3c49416cf2b504ac50151e3c2335d60595cb90745 yields:

Icon LinkArray

An array of a certain type T, [T; n], where n is the length of the array.
Arrays in Sway have a fixed-length which is known at compile time. This means the ABI encoding for arrays also happens in-place, with no need to account for dynamic sizing.
The encoding for the array contains, in order, the encoding of each element in [T; n], recursively following the encoding for the type T.
For instance, consider the function signature my_func(bool, [u64; 2]) with the values (true, [1, 2]).
The encoding will be:
  1. 0x0000000000000001, the true bool encoded in-place.
  2. 0x0000000000000001, First element of the parameter [u64; 2], 1, encoded as a u64.
  3. 0x0000000000000002, Second element of the parameter [u64; 2], 2, encoded as a u64.
The resulting encoded ABI will be:

Icon LinkFixed-length Strings

Strings have fixed length and are encoded in-place. str[n], where n is the fixed-size of the string. Rather than padding the string, the encoding of the elements of the string is tightly packed. And unlike the other type encodings, the string encoding is left-aligned.
Note that all strings are encoded in UTF-8.
Encoding "Hello, World" as a str[12] yields:
Note that we're padding with zeroes in order to keep it right-aligned to 8 bytes (FuelVM's word size).

Icon LinkStructs

Encoding ABIs that contain custom types, such as structs, is similar to encoding a set of primitive types. The encoding will proceed in the order that the inner types of a custom type are declared and recursively just like encoding any other type. This way you can encode structs with primitive types or structs with more complex types in them such as other structs, arrays, strings, and enums.
Here's an example:
struct InputStruct {
    field_1: bool,
    field_2: u8,
abi MyContract {
    fn foo(a: u64);
    fn bar(a: InputStruct);
} {
    fn baz(a: ()) { }
Calling bar with InputStruct { field_1: true, field_2: 5 } yields:
0000000000000001 // `true` encoded as a bool
0000000000000005 // `5` encoded as u8
A more complex scenario:
struct InputStruct {
    field_1: bool,
    field_2: [u8; 2], // An array of u8, with length 2.
abi MyContract {
    fn foo(a: u64);
    fn bar(a: InputStruct);
} {
    fn baz(a: ()) { }
Calling bar with InputStruct { field_1: true, field_2: [1, 2] } yields:
0000000000000001 // `true` encoded as a bool
0000000000000001 // `1` encoded as u8
0000000000000002 // `2` encoded as u8

Icon LinkEnums (sum types)

ABI calls containing enums (sum types) are encoded similarly to structs: encode the discriminant first, then recursively encode the type of the enum variant being passed to the function being called.
enum MySumType
    X: u32,
    Y: bool,
abi MyContract {
    fn foo(a: u64);
    fn bar(a: MySumType);
} {
    fn baz(a: ()) { }
Calling bar with MySumType::X(42) yields:
0000000000000000 // The discriminant of the chosen enum, in this case `0`.
000000000000002a // `42` encoded as u64
If the sum type has variants of different sizes, then left padding is required.
enum MySumType
    X: b256,
    Y: u32,
abi MyContract {
    fn foo(a: u64);
    fn bar(a: MySumType);
} {
    fn baz(a: ()) { }
Calling bar with MySumType::Y(42) yields:
0000000000000001 // The discriminant of the chosen enum, in this case `1`.
0000000000000000 // Left padding
0000000000000000 // Left padding
0000000000000000 // Left padding
000000000000002a // `42` encoded as u64
Note that three words of padding are required because the largest variant of MySumType is 4 words wide.
If all the variants of a sum type are of type (), or unit, then only the discriminant needs to be encoded.
enum MySumType
    X: (),
    Y: (),
    Z: (),
abi MyContract {
    fn foo(a: u64);
    fn bar(a: MySumType);
} {
    fn baz(a: ()) { }
Calling bar with MySumType::Z yields:
0000000000000002 // The discriminant of the chosen enum, in this case `2`.

Icon LinkVectors

ABI calls containing vectors are encoded in the following way:
  • First, figure out the the length l of the vector. Its length will also be its capacity.
  • Encode the content of the vector according to the spec of its type, e.g. for a Vec<bool>, encode each bool element according to the bool specs. This gives out data that is stored on the heap, and we encode only the pointer to this data
abi MyContract {
  fn foo(a: Vec<u32>);
} {
  fn foo(a: Vec<u32>) {};
Calling foo with vec![1u32, 2u32, 3u32, 4u32]:
  • length is 4, capacity is 4
  • data: [0x0000000000000001, 0x0000000000000002, 0x0000000000000003, 0x0000000000000004], stored at pointer address 0x000000000000beef
Icon InfoCircle
Note: to understand how the u32 are encoded, see the section about encoding integers.
000000000000beef // pointer address
0000000000000004 // length = 4
0000000000000004 // capacity = 4
At the pointer address, then the vector's content are encoded as such:
0000000000000001 // 1u32
0000000000000002 // 2u32
0000000000000003 // 3u32
0000000000000004 // 4u32

Icon LinkTuples

ABI calls containing tuples are encoded as such: If X is a tuple with the type signature (T_1, T_2, ..., T_n), with T_1,...,T_n being any type except for vector, then enc(X) is encoded as the concatenation of enc(T_1), enc(T_2),enc (T_3), ..., enc(T_n).
abi MyContract {
  fn foo(a: (u64, str[3], bool));
} {
  fn foo(a: (u64, str[4], bool)) {};
Calling foo with (1u64, "fuel", true) :
0000000000000001 // 1u64
6675656c00000000 // "fuel" encoded as per the specs
0000000000000001 // true