Icon HelpCircleForumIcon Link


Icon HelpCircleForumIcon Link

Icon LinkObjects

Icon LinkBalance

The balance of a particular asset for a wallet address.
owner: Address!
An EOA account represented by 32 bytes.
amount: U64!
The amount of the selected asset id as an unsigned 64 bit number.
assetId: AssetId!
A 32 byte representation of the asset.

Icon LinkBalanceFilterInput

The filter input type used to filter the balances query.
owner: Address!
The owner address of the balances.

Icon LinkBlock

Information about a block in the network.
A unique identifier for the block.
header: Header!
Metadata about a block.
consensus: Consensus!
The type of consensus used.
transactions: [Transaction!]!
An array of transactions included in the block.

Icon LinkBreakpoint

A breakpoint during debugging. Defined as a tuple of a contract ID and relative pc offset inside it.
contract: ContractId!
The contract address.
pc: U64!
The value of the program counter register $pc, which is the memory address of the current instruction.

Icon LinkChainInfo

Information about the base chain. At a very high level chainInfo helps you understand what Fuel chain you're connected to and the different parameters of this chain.
name: String!
The human-readable string name of the chain. i.e. beta-5
latestBlock: Block!
The most recently created block.
daHeight: U64!
The height of the base chain via relayer (i.e. Ethereum or DA)
consensusParameters: ConsensusParameters!
The consensus parameters used to validate blocks.
gasCosts: GasCosts!
The gas cost of each opcode.

Icon LinkChangeOutput

A transaction output that changes the unspent coins in a UTXO.
The recipient address of the coins.
amount: U64!
The amount of coins.
assetId: AssetId!
The asset id for the coins.

Icon LinkCoin

Information about a coin.
utxoId: UtxoId!
A unique 32 byte identifier for a UTXO.
owner: Address!
The owner address of the coins.
amount: U64!
The amount of coins.
assetId: AssetId!
The asset id of the coin.
maturity: U32!
The UTXO being spent must have been created at least this many blocks ago.
blockCreated: U32!
The block when the coins were created.
txCreatedIdx: U64!
The index of the transaction that created this coin.

Icon LinkCoinFilterInput

The filter input type for the coins query.
owner: Address!
The owner of the coins.
assetId: AssetId
The asset id of the coins.

Icon LinkCoinOutput

A type representing a coin output.
The receiver address of the output coins.
amount: U64!
The amount of coins in the output.
assetId: AssetId!
The asset id for the output coins.

Icon LinkConsensusParameters

The consensus parameters used for validating blocks.
txParams: TxParameters!
The allowed parameters of transactions
predicateParams: PredicateParameters!
The allowed parameters of predicates
scriptParams: ScriptParameters!
The allowed parameters of scripts
contractParams: ContractParameters!
The allowed parameters of contracts
feeParams: FeeParameters!
The allowed parameters of fees
baseAssetId: AssetId!
The asset id of the "base" asset used for gas fees.
chainId: U64!
A unique identifier for the chain.
gasCosts: GasCosts!
The gas cost of each opcode.

Icon LinkContract

An object representing a deployed contract.
The contract address.
bytecode: HexString!
The contract bytecode.
salt: Salt!
A unique identifier for the contract.

Icon LinkContractBalance

An object representing the balance of a deployed contract for a certain asset.
contract: ContractId!
The contract address.
amount: U64!
The contract balance for the given asset.
assetId: AssetId!
The asset id for the coins.

Icon LinkContractBalanceFilterInput

The filter input type for the contractBalances query.
contract: ContractId!
The contract id that the query will return balances for.

Icon LinkContractCreated

The output type from deploying a contract.
contract: Contract!
The contract that was created.
stateRoot: Bytes32!
The initial state root of contract.

Icon LinkContractOutput

The output type from a transaction that changed the state of a contract.
inputIndex: Int!
The index of the input.
balanceRoot: Bytes32!
The root of amount of coins owned by contract after transaction execution.
stateRoot: Bytes32!
The state root of contract after transaction execution.

Icon LinkContractParameters

An object containing information about a contract.
contractMaxSize: U64!
Maximum size of a contract in bytes
maxStorageSlots: U64!
Maximum number of storage slots

Icon LinkExcludeInput

The input type for the resourcesToSpend query that defines what UTXOs and messages to exclude.
utxos: [UtxoId!]!
An array of UTXO IDs to exclude.
messages: [Nonce!]!
An array of message IDs to exclude.

Icon LinkFailureStatus

The status type of a transaction that has failed.
transactionId: TransactionId!
A unique transaction id.
block: Block!
The block number for the failed transaction.
The time the transaction failed.
reason: String!
The reason why the transaction failed.
programState: ProgramState
The state of the program execution.
receipts: [Receipt!]!
The receipts for the transaction.

Icon LinkFeeParameters

The consensus parameters for fees.
gasPriceFactor: U64!
The dynamic adjustment of gas costs
gasPerByte: U64!
The gas cost per byte

Icon LinkGasCosts

The breakdown of the gas costs of each opcode.
add: U64!
The gas cost of using the $add ALU opcode.
addi: U64!
The gas cost of using the $addi ALU opcode.
aloc: U64!
The gas cost of using the $aloc memory opcode.
and: U64!
The gas cost of using the $and ALU opcode.
andi: U64!
The gas cost of using the $andi ALU opcode.
bal: U64!
The gas cost of using the $bal contract opcode.
bhei: U64!
The gas cost of using the $bhei contract opcode.
bhsh: U64!
The gas cost of using the $bhsh contract opcode.
burn: U64!
The gas cost of using the $burn contract opcode.
cb: U64!
The gas cost of using the $cb contract opcode.
cfei: U64!
The gas cost of using the $cfei memory opcode.
cfsi: U64!
The gas cost of using the $cfsi memory opcode.
croo: U64!
The gas cost of using the $croo contract opcode.
div: U64!
The gas cost of using the $div ALU opcode.
divi: U64!
The gas cost of using the $divi ALU opcode.
ecr1: U64!
The gas cost of using the $ecr1 cryptographic opcode.
eck1: U64!
The gas cost of using the $eck1 cryptographic opcode.
ed19: U64!
The gas cost of using the $ed19 cryptographic opcode.
eq: U64!
The gas cost of using the $eq ALU opcode.
exp: U64!
The gas cost of using the $exp ALU opcode.
expi: U64!
The gas cost of using the $expi ALU opcode.
flag: U64!
The gas cost of using the $flag opcode.
gm: U64!
The gas cost of using the $gm opcode.
gt: U64!
The gas cost of using the $gt opcode.
gtf: U64!
The gas cost of using the $gtf ALU opcode.
ji: U64!
The gas cost of using the $ji control flow opcode.
jmp: U64!
The gas cost of using the $jmp control flow opcode.
jne: U64!
The gas cost of using the $jne control flow opcode.
jnei: U64!
The gas cost of using the $jnei control flow opcode.
jnzi: U64!
The gas cost of using the $jnzi control flow opcode.
jmpf: U64!
The gas cost of using the $jmpf control flow opcode.
jmpb: U64!
The gas cost of using the $jmpb control flow opcode.
jnzf: U64!
The gas cost of using the $jnzf control flow opcode.
jnzb: U64!
The gas cost of using the $jnzb control flow opcode.
jnef: U64!
The gas cost of using the $jnef control flow opcode.
jneb: U64!
The gas cost of using the $jneb control flow opcode.
lb: U64!
The gas cost of using the $lb memory opcode.
log: U64!
The gas cost of using the $log contract opcode.
lt: U64!
The gas cost of using the $lt ALU opcode.
lw: U64!
The gas cost of using the $lw memory opcode.
mint: U64!
The gas cost of using the $mint contract opcode.
mlog: U64!
The gas cost of using the $mlog ALU opcode.
modOp: U64!
The gas cost of using the $modOp opcode.
modi: U64!
The gas cost of using the $modi ALU opcode.
moveOp: U64!
The gas cost of using the $moveOp ALU opcode.
movi: U64!
The gas cost of using the $movi ALU opcode.
mroo: U64!
The gas cost of using the $mroo ALU opcode.
mul: U64!
The gas cost of using the $mul ALU opcode.
muli: U64!
The gas cost of using the $muli ALU opcode.
mldv: U64!
The gas cost of using the $mldv ALU opcode.
noop: U64!
The gas cost of using the $noop ALU opcode.
not: U64!
The gas cost of using the $not ALU opcode.
or: U64!
The gas cost of using the $or ALU opcode.
ori: U64!
The gas cost of using the $ori ALU opcode.
poph: U64!
The gas cost of using the $poph opcode.
popl: U64!
The gas cost of using the $popl opcode.
pshh: U64!
The gas cost of using the $pshh opcode.
pshl: U64!
The gas cost of using the $pshl opcode.
ret: U64!
The gas cost of using the $ret opcode.
rvrt: U64!
The gas cost of using the $rvrt contract opcode.
sb: U64!
The gas cost of using the $sb memory opcode.
sll: U64!
The gas cost of using the $sll ALU opcode.
slli: U64!
The gas cost of using the $slli ALU opcode.
srl: U64!
The gas cost of using the $srl ALU opcode.
srli: U64!
The gas cost of using the $srli ALU opcode.
srw: U64!
The gas cost of using the $srw contract opcode.
sub: U64!
The gas cost of using the $sub ALU opcode.
subi: U64!
The gas cost of using the $subi ALU opcode.
sw: U64!
The gas cost of using the $sw memory opcode.
sww: U64!
The gas cost of using the $sww contract opcode.
time: U64!
The gas cost of using the $time contract opcode.
tr: U64!
The gas cost of using the $tr contract opcode.
tro: U64!
The gas cost of using the $tro contract opcode.
wdcm: U64!
The gas cost of using the $wdcm ALU opcode.
wqcm: U64!
The gas cost of using the $wqcm ALU opcode.
wdop: U64!
The gas cost of using the $wdop ALU opcode.
wqop: U64!
The gas cost of using the $wqop ALU opcode.
wdml: U64!
The gas cost of using the $wdml ALU opcode.
wqml: U64!
The gas cost of using the $wqml ALU opcode.
wddv: U64!
The gas cost of using the $wddv ALU opcode.
wqdv: U64!
The gas cost of using the $wqdv ALU opcode.
wdmd: U64!
The gas cost of using the $wdmd ALU opcode.
wqmd: U64!
The gas cost of using the $wqmd ALU opcode.
wdam: U64!
The gas cost of using the $wdam ALU opcode.
wqam: U64!
The gas cost of using the $wqam ALU opcode.
wdmm: U64!
The gas cost of using the $wdmm ALU opcode.
wqmm: U64!
The gas cost of using the $wqmm ALU opcode.
xor: U64!
The gas cost of using the $xor ALU opcode.
xori: U64!
The gas cost of using the $xori ALU opcode.
The dependent gas cost of using the $call contract opcode.
The dependent gas cost of using the $ccp contract opcode.
The dependent gas cost of using the $csiz contract opcode.
The dependent gas cost of using the $k256 cryptographic opcode.
The dependent gas cost of using the $ldc contract opcode.
The dependent gas cost of using the $logd contract opcode.
The dependent gas cost of using the $mcl memory opcode.
The dependent gas cost of using the $mcli memory opcode.
The dependent gas cost of using the $mcp memory opcode.
The dependent gas cost of using the $mcpi memory opcode.
The dependent gas cost of using the $meq memory opcode.
The dependent gas cost of using the $retd contract opcode.
The dependent gas cost of using the $mcpi cryptographic opcode.
The dependent gas cost of using the $scwq cryptographic opcode.
The dependent gas cost of using the $smo contract opcode.
The dependent gas cost of using the $srwq contract opcode.
The dependent gas cost of using the $swwq contract opcode.
contractRoot: DependentCost!
The dependent gas cost calculating the contractRoot.
stateRoot: DependentCost!
The dependent gas cost calculating the stateRoot.
vmInitialization: DependentCost!
The dependent gas cost of the vmInitialization.
newStoragePerByte: U64!
The gas cost of storage per byte.

Icon LinkGenesis

The genesis consensus type.
chainConfigHash: Bytes32!
The chain configuration hash. The chain configuration defines what consensus type to use, what settlement layer to use, and the rules of block validity.
coinsRoot: Bytes32!
The binary Merkle tree root of all genesis coins.
contractsRoot: Bytes32!
The binary Merkle tree root of state, balances, and the contracts code hash of each contract.
messagesRoot: Bytes32!
The binary merkle tree root of all genesis messages.

Icon LinkHeavyOperation

The operation dependent on the size of its inputs, and the time required per unit of input exceeding that of a single no-op operation
base: U64!
The minimum gas that this operation can cost
gasPerUnit: U64!
The gas is required to process a single unit
The header contains metadata about a certain block.
The current block id.
daHeight: U64!
The block height for the data availability layer up to which (inclusive) input messages are processed.
transactionsCount: U64!
The number of transactions in the block.
messageReceiptCount: U64!
The number of receipt messages in the block.
transactionsRoot: Bytes32!
The merkle root of the transactions in the block.
messageReceiptRoot: Bytes32!
The merkle root of the receipt messages in the block.
height: U32!
The block height.
prevRoot: Bytes32!
The merkle root of all previous consensus header hashes (not including this block).
The timestamp for the block.
applicationHash: Bytes32!
The hash of the serialized application header for this block.

Icon LinkInputCoin

Information about a coin input.
utxoId: UtxoId!
A unique 32 byte identifier for the UTXO.
owner: Address!
The owning address or predicate root.
amount: U64!
The amount of coins.
assetId: AssetId!
The asset ID of the coins.
txPointer: TxPointer!
A pointer to the transaction whose output is being spent.
witnessIndex: Int!
The index of the witness that authorizes spending the coin.
maturity: U32!
The UTXO being spent must have been created at least this many blocks ago.
predicateGasUsed: U64!
The amount of gas used in the predicate transaction.
predicate: HexString!
The predicate bytecode.
predicateData: HexString!
The predicate input parameters.

Icon LinkInputContract

Information about a contract input.
utxoId: UtxoId!
A unique 32 byte identifier for the UTXO.
balanceRoot: Bytes32!
The root of amount of coins owned by contract before transaction execution.
stateRoot: Bytes32!
The state root of contract before transaction execution.
txPointer: TxPointer!
A pointer to the TX whose output is being spent.
contract: Contract!
The input contract.

Icon LinkInputMessage

Information about a message input.
sender: Address!
The sender address of the message.
recipient: Address!
The recipient address of the message.
amount: U64!
The amount sent in the message.
nonce: Nonce!
A nonce value for the message input, which is determined by the sending system and is published at the time the message is sent.
witnessIndex: Int!
The index of witness that authorizes spending the coin.
predicateGasUsed: U64!
The amount of gas used in the predicate transaction.
The message data.
predicate: HexString!
The predicate bytecode.
predicateData: HexString!
The predicate input parameters.

Icon LinkLightOperation

The operation dependent on the size of its inputs, and the time required per unit of input less that of a single no-op operation
base: U64!
The minimum gas that this operation can cost
unitsPerGas: U64!
The units that can be processed with a single gas

Icon LinkMerkleProof

Information about a merkle proof.
proofSet: [Bytes32!]!
The proof set of the message proof.
proofIndex: U64!
The index used to generate this proof.

Icon LinkMessage

Contains information about a message.
amount: U64!
The amount of base asset coins sent with the message.
sender: Address!
The address of the message sender.
recipient: Address!
The recipient of the message.
nonce: Nonce!
The nonce value for the message.
data: [Int!]!
The vector with the message data.
daHeight: U64!
The block height of the data availability layer up to which (inclusive) input messages are processed.

Icon LinkMessageCoin

Information about message coin
sender: Address!
The address of the message sender.
recipient: Address!
The recipient of the message.
nonce: Nonce!
The nonce value for the message.
amount: U64!
The amount of base asset coins sent with the message.
assetId: AssetId
The asset id of the coins transferred.
daHeight: U64!
The block height of the data availability layer up to which (inclusive) input messages are processed.

Icon LinkMessageProof

Information about the message proof.
messageProof: MerkleProof!
The merkle proof of the message.
blockProof: MerkleProof!
The merkle proof of the block.
messageBlockHeader: Header!
The merkle proof of the message.
commitBlockHeader: Header!
The merkle proof of the block.
sender: Address!
The message sender.
recipient: Address!
The message recipient.
nonce: Nonce!
The message nonce.
amount: U64!
The amount sent in the message.
The data from the message.

Icon LinkMessageStatus

The status type of a message.
The state of the message.

Icon LinkNodeInfo

Information about a node.
utxoValidation: Boolean!
Whether or not the node is using UTXO validation.
vmBacktrace: Boolean!
Whether or not logging of backtraces from VM errors is enabled.
minGasPrice: U64!
The minimum gas price for the node.
maxTx: U64!
The maximum number of transactions.
maxDepth: U64!
The maximum number of connected UTXOs allowed, excluding contracts.
nodeVersion: String!
The node version.
peers: PeerInfo! !`
The information about the node's peers.

Icon LinkOutputBreakpoint

A breakpoint during debugging.
contract: ContractId!
The contract address.
pc: U64!
The value of the program counter register $pc, which is the memory address of the current instruction.

Icon LinkPeerInfo

Information about a peer node.
id: String!
The libp2p ID of the peer node.
addresses: [String!]!
The advertised addresses that can be used to connect to this peer node.
clientVersion: String
The self-reported version of the client the peer node is using.
blockHeight: U32
The last reported height of the peer node.
lastHeartbeatMs: U64!
The time of the last heartbeat from this peer node in Unix epoch time milliseconds.
appScore: Float!
The internal Fuel peer-to-peer reputation of this peer node.

Icon LinkPoAConsensus

The proof-of-authority (PoA) consensus type.
signature: Signature!
The signature of the block produced by PoA consensus.

Icon LinkProgramState

An object representing the state of execution of a transaction.
returnType: ReturnType!
The type of return response for the transaction.
The data returned from the transaction.

Icon LinkPolicies

Information about the policies of a transaction.
gasPrice: U64
The price for each unit of gas consumed during the transaction execution.
witnessLimit: U64
The limit of witnesses that can be included in the transaction.
maturity: U32
The minimum block height that the transaction can be included at.
maxFee: U64
The maximum fee allowed for the transaction to consume.

Icon LinkPredicateParameters

The consensus parameters for a predicate.
maxPredicateLength: U64!
The maximum length of a predicate.
maxPredicateDataLength: U64!
The maximum length of predicate data.
maxGasPerPredicate: U64!
The maximum amount of gas allowed for a predicate.
maxMessageDataLength: U64!
The maximum length of message data for a predicate.

Icon LinkReceipt

An object representing all possible types of receipts.
contract: Contract
The contract that produced the receipt.
pc: U64
The value of the program counter register $pc, which is the memory address of the current instruction.
is: U64
The value of register $is, which is the pointer to the start of the currently-executing code.
The recipient contract.
toAddress: Address
The recipient address.
amount: U64
The amount of coins transferred.
assetId: AssetId
The asset id of the coins transferred.
gas: U64
The gas used for the transaction.
param1: U64
The first parameter for a CALL receipt type, holds the function selector.
param2: U64
The second parameter for a CALL receipt type, typically used for the user-specified input to the ABI function being selected.
val: U64
The value of registers at the end of execution, used for debugging.
ptr: U64
The value of the pointer register, used for debugging.
digest: Bytes32
A 32-byte hash of MEM[$rC, $rD]. The syntax MEM[x, y] means the memory range starting at byte x, of length y bytes.
reason: U64
The decimal string representation of an 8-bit unsigned integer for the panic reason. Only returned if the receipt type is PANIC.
ra: U64
The value of register $rA.
rb: U64
The value of register $rB.
rc: U64
The value of register $rC.
rd: U64
The value of register $rD.
len: U64
The length of the receipt.
receiptType: ReceiptType!
The type of receipt.
result: U64
0 if script exited successfully, any otherwise.
gasUsed: U64
The amount of gas consumed by the script.
data: HexString
The receipt data.
sender: Address
The address of the message sender.
recipient: Address
The address of the message recipient.
nonce: Nonce
The nonce value for a message.
contractId: ContractId
The contract id.
subId: Bytes32
The sub id.

Icon LinkRunResult

The result of a transaction execution.
state: RunState!
The state of the transaction execution.
breakpoint: OutputBreakpoint
A breakpoint during debugging.
jsonReceipts: [String!]!
The receipts of the transaction in JSON format.

Icon LinkScriptParameters

The consensus parameters for a script.
maxScriptLength: U64!
The maximum length of a script.
maxScriptDataLength: U64!
The maximum length of script data.

Icon LinkSpendQueryElementInput

A type used in the queryPerAsset argument for the resourcesToSpend query.
assetId: AssetId!
The asset id for the asset.
amount: U64!
The amount of coins to send.
max: U64
The max number of resources in the selection.

Icon LinkSqueezedOutStatus

The status for a transaction that was squeezed out of the transaction pool.
reason: String!
The reason why the transaction was squeezed out.

Icon LinkSuccessStatus

The status of a successful transaction.
transactionId: TransactionId!
The ID of the transaction.
block: Block!
The block of the transaction.
The time of the transaction.
programState: ProgramState
The state of the program execution.
receipts: [Receipt!]!
The transaction receipts.

Icon LinkSubmittedStatus

The status for a submitted transaction.
The time a transaction was submitted

Icon LinkTransaction

An object containing information about a transaction.
A unique transaction id.
inputAssetIds: [AssetId!]
An array of asset ids used for the transaction inputs.
inputContracts: [Contract!]
An array of contracts used for the transaction inputs.
inputContract: InputContract
A contract used for the transaction input.
policies: Policies
The policies for the transaction.
gasPrice: U64
The gas price for the transaction.
scriptGasLimit: U64
The gas limit for the transaction.
maturity: U32
The minimum block height that the transaction can be included at.
mintAmount: U64
The amount minted in the transaction.
mintAssetId: AssetId
The asset ID for coins minted in the transaction.
txPointer: TxPointer
The location of the transaction in the block.
isScript: Boolean!
Whether or not the transaction is a script.
isCreate: Boolean!
Whether or not the transaction is creating a new contract.
isMint: Boolean!
Whether or not the transaction is minting new coins.
inputs: [Input!]
An array of inputs for the transaction.
outputs: [Output!]!
An array of outputs for the transaction.
outputContract: ContractOutput
The contract output for the transaction.
witnesses: [HexString!]
An array of witnesses.
receiptsRoot: Bytes32
The root of the receipts.
The status of the transaction.
receipts: [Receipt!]
An array of the receipts produced by the transaction.
script: HexString
The script to execute.
scriptData: HexString
The script input parameters.
bytecodeWitnessIndex: Int
The witness index of contract bytecode.
bytecodeLength: U64
The length of the transaction bytecode.
salt: Salt
The salt value for the transaction.
storageSlots: [HexString!]
An array of storage slot.
rawPayload: HexString!
A hex string of the raw transaction payload.

Icon LinkTxParameters

The consensus parameters for a transaction.
maxInputs: U8!
The maximum number of inputs allowed for a transaction.
maxOutputs: U8!
The maximum number of outputs allowed for a transaction.
maxWitnesses: U32!
The maximum number of witnesses allowed for a transaction.
maxGasPerTx: U64!
The maximum amount of gas allowed for a transaction.
maxSize: U64!
The maximum size allowed for a transaction.

Icon LinkVariableOutput

The output type for a transaction that outputs an amount that may vary based on transaction execution.
The address the coins were sent to.
amount: U64
The amount of coins in the output.
assetId: AssetId
The asset id for the coins sent.