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Icon LinkMutations

Icon LinkstartSession

Initialize a new debugger session, returning its ID. A new VM instance is spawned for each session. The session is run in a separate database transaction, on top of the most recent node state.

Icon LinkendSession

End a debugger session. Returns a Boolean! indicating whether the session was successfully ended.
id: ID!
The session ID.

Icon Linkreset

Reset the VM instance to the initial state. Returns a Boolean! indicating whether the VM instance was successfully reset.
id: ID!
The session ID.

Icon Linkexecute

Execute a single fuel-asm instruction. Returns a Boolean! indicating whether the instruction was successfully executed.
id: ID!
The session ID.
op: String!
The fuel-asm instruction to execute.

Icon LinksetSingleStepping

Set single-stepping mode for the VM instance. Returns a Boolean! indicating whether the mutation successfully executed.
id: ID!
The session ID.
enable: boolean
Whether to enable single-stepping mode.

Icon LinksetBreakpoint

Set a breakpoint for a VM instance. Returns a Boolean! indicating whether the breakpoint was successfully set.
id: ID!
The session ID.
breakpoint: Breakpoint!
The breakpoint to set.

Icon LinkstartTx

Run a single transaction in given session until it hits a breakpoint or completes. Returns a RunResult!.
id: ID!
The session ID.
txJson: String!
The transaction JSON string.

Icon LinkcontinueTx

Resume execution of the VM instance after a breakpoint. Runs until the next breakpoint or until the transaction completes. Returns a RunResult!.
id: ID!
The session ID.

Icon LinkdryRun

Spin up a new temporary node from the current state and emulate a given transaction. Returns a [Receipt!]! for the emulated transaction. You can optionally use UTXO validation.
The transaction hex string.
utxoValidation: Boolean Whether or not to use UTXO validation.

Icon LinkproduceBlocks

Produce blocks that can be used for testing that requires block advancement. Returns a U32! .
startTimestamp: Tai64Timestamp!
The start time of the produced block.
blocksToProduce: U64!
The number of blocks to produce.

Icon Linksubmit

Submit a transaction to the transaction pool. Returns a Transaction! .
The transaction hex string.