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Icon LinkStructs

In Sway, a struct serves a similar purpose as an Object in TypeScript. It defines a custom data structure with specified property names and types. The property names and types in the Sway struct must match the corresponding TypeScript definition.

Icon LinkExample

Here is an example of a struct in Sway:
pub struct EmployeeData {
    name: str[8],
    age: u8,
    salary: u64,
    idHash: b256,
    ratings: [u8; 3],
    isActive: bool,
And here is the equivalent structure represented in TypeScript:
type EmployeeDataStruct = {
  name: string;
  age: number;
  salary: number;
  idHash: string;
  ratings: number[];
  isActive: boolean;
const data: EmployeeDataStruct = {
  name: 'John Doe',
  age: 30,
  salary: 100_000,
  idHash: '0x1234567890abcdef1234567890abcdef1234567890abcdef1234567890abcdef',
  ratings: [4, 5, 5],
  isActive: true,

Icon LinkHandling Different Data Types

Please note that TypeScript does not have native support for u8 and u64 types. Instead, use the number type to represent them.
Additionally, TypeScript does not support specifying string length, so just use string for the name.
In a similar way, since the type b256 on the SDK is just an hexlified string, we use string as well.