pnpm fuels typegen -i ./abis/*-abi.json -o ./types
import { DemoContractAbi__factory } from './types';
const contractInstance = DemoContractAbi__factory.connect(contractId, wallet);
const { value: v2 } = await contractInstance.functions.return_input(1337).call();
import { DemoContractAbi__factory } from './types';
import bytecode from './types/DemoContractAbi.hex';
// Deploy
const contract = await DemoContractAbi__factory.deployContract(bytecode, wallet, { gasPrice });
class. Still, you can override it alongside other options from DeployContractOptions
, when calling the deployContract
method: import storageSlots from './contract/out/debug/demo-contract-storage_slots.json';
const contract = await DemoContractAbi__factory.deployContract(bytecode, wallet, {
pnpm fuels typegen -i ./abis/*-abi.json -o ./types --script
import { ScriptAbi__factory } from './types';
const script = ScriptAbi__factory.createInstance(wallet);
const { value } = await script.functions.main().call();
pnpm fuels typegen -i ./abis/*-abi.json -o ./types --predicate
import type { PredicateAbiInputs } from './types';
import { PredicateAbi__factory } from './types';
// In this exchange, we are first transferring some coins to the predicate
const provider = await Provider.create(FUEL_NETWORK_URL);
const wallet = await generateTestWallet(provider, [[500_000, BaseAssetId]]);
const receiver = Wallet.fromAddress(Address.fromRandom(), provider);
const predicateData: PredicateAbiInputs = [];
const predicate = PredicateAbi__factory.createInstance(provider, predicateData);
const tx = await wallet.transfer(predicate.address, 100_000, BaseAssetId);
await tx.wait();
const initialPredicateBalance = await predicate.getBalance();
// Then we are transferring some coins from the predicate to a random address (receiver)
const tx2 = await predicate.transfer(receiver.address, 50_000, BaseAssetId, {
gasPrice: provider.getGasConfig().minGasPrice,
gasLimit: 50,
await tx2.wait();
expect((await receiver.getBalance()).toNumber()).toEqual(50_000);
expect((await predicate.getBalance()).toNumber()).toBeLessThan(