class lets you connect to a Fuel node. It provides read-only access to the blockchain state. You can use this provider as-is or through a Wallet
instance. const provider = await Provider.create(FUEL_NETWORK_URL);
const { consensusParameters } = provider.getChain();
: await Provider.create(FUEL_NETWORK_URL, {
fetch: async (url: string, requestInit: RequestInit | undefined) => {
// do something
await sleep(100);
return fetch(url, requestInit);
timeout: 2000,
cacheUtxo: 1500,
requestMiddleware: async (request: RequestInit) => {
const credentials = await fetchSomeExternalCredentials();
request.headers ??= {};
(request.headers as Record<string, string>).Authorization = credentials;
return request;
retryOptions: {
maxRetries: 5,
baseDelay: 100,
backoff: 'exponential',