Icon HelpCircleForumIcon Link


Icon HelpCircleForumIcon Link

Icon LinkClass: ScriptTransactionRequest

@fuel-ts/account .ScriptTransactionRequest
ScriptTransactionRequest provides functionalities for creating a transaction request that uses a script.

Icon LinkHierarchy

Icon LinkConstructors

Icon Linkconstructor

new ScriptTransactionRequest(scriptTransactionRequestLike?): ScriptTransactionRequest
Constructor for ScriptTransactionRequest.

Icon LinkParameters

scriptTransactionRequestLikeScriptTransactionRequestLikeThe initial values for the instance.

Icon LinkReturns

Icon LinkOverrides

Icon LinkDefined in

Icon LinkProperties

Icon Linkabis

Optional abis: JsonAbisFromAllCalls

Icon LinkDefined in

Icon LinkgasLimit

gasLimit: BN
Gas limit for transaction

Icon LinkDefined in

Icon LinkgasPrice

gasPrice: BN
Gas price for transaction

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Icon Linkinputs

inputs: TransactionRequestInput [] = []
List of inputs

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Icon Linkmaturity

maturity: number
Block until which tx cannot be included

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Icon LinkmaxFee

Optional maxFee: BN
The maximum fee payable by this transaction using BASE_ASSET.

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Icon Linkoutputs

outputs: TransactionRequestOutput [] = []
List of outputs

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Icon Linkscript

script: Uint8Array
Script to execute

Icon LinkDefined in

Icon LinkscriptData

scriptData: Uint8Array
Script input data (parameters)

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Icon Linktype

type: Script
Type of the transaction

Icon LinkOverrides

Icon LinkDefined in

Icon LinkwitnessLimit

Optional witnessLimit: BN
The maximum amount of witness data allowed for the transaction

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Icon Linkwitnesses

witnesses: BytesLike [] = []
List of witnesses

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Icon LinkMethods

Icon LinkaddAccountWitnesses

addAccountWitnesses(account): Promise<ScriptTransactionRequest >
Helper function to add an external signature to the transaction.

Icon LinkParameters

accountAccount | Account []The account/s to sign to the transaction.

Icon LinkReturns

The transaction with the signature witness added.

Icon LinkInherited from

Icon LinkDefined in

Icon LinkaddChangeOutput

addChangeOutput(to, assetId?): void
Adds a change output to the transaction.

Icon LinkParameters

NameTypeDefault valueDescription
toAddressLike undefinedAddress of the owner.
assetIdBytesLike BaseAssetIdAsset ID of coin.

Icon LinkReturns


Icon LinkInherited from

Icon LinkDefined in

Icon LinkaddCoinInput

addCoinInput(coin, predicate?): void
Adds a single coin input to the transaction and a change output for the related assetId, if one it was not added yet.

Icon LinkParameters

coinCoin Coin resource.
predicate?Predicate <InputValue[]>Predicate bytes.

Icon LinkReturns


Icon LinkInherited from

Icon LinkDefined in

Icon LinkaddCoinOutput

addCoinOutput(to, amount, assetId?): ScriptTransactionRequest
Adds a coin output to the transaction.

Icon LinkParameters

NameTypeDefault valueDescription
toAddressLike undefinedAddress of the owner.
amountBigNumberishundefinedAmount of coin.
assetIdBytesLike BaseAssetIdAsset ID of coin.

Icon LinkReturns

Icon LinkInherited from

Icon LinkDefined in

Icon LinkaddCoinOutputs

addCoinOutputs(to, quantities): ScriptTransactionRequest
Adds multiple coin outputs to the transaction.

Icon LinkParameters

toAddressLike Address of the destination.
quantitiesCoinQuantityLike []Quantities of coins.

Icon LinkReturns

Icon LinkInherited from

Icon LinkDefined in

Icon LinkaddContractInputAndOutput

addContractInputAndOutput(contract): ScriptTransactionRequest
Adds a contract input and output to the transaction request.

Icon LinkParameters

contractContractIdLike The contract ID.

Icon LinkReturns

The current instance of the ScriptTransactionRequest.

Icon LinkDefined in

Icon LinkaddMessageInput

addMessageInput(message, predicate?): void
Adds a single message input to the transaction and a change output for the baseAssetId, if one it was not added yet.

Icon LinkParameters

messageMessageCoin Message resource.
predicate?Predicate <InputValue[]>Predicate bytes.

Icon LinkReturns


Icon LinkInherited from

Icon LinkDefined in

Icon LinkaddPredicateResource

addPredicateResource(resource, predicate): ScriptTransactionRequest
Adds multiple resources to the transaction by adding coin/message inputs and change outputs from the related assetIds.

Icon LinkParameters

predicatePredicate <InputValue[]>

Icon LinkReturns

This transaction.

Icon LinkInherited from

Icon LinkDefined in

Icon LinkaddPredicateResources

addPredicateResources(resources, predicate): ScriptTransactionRequest
Adds multiple predicate coin/message inputs to the transaction and change outputs from the related assetIds.

Icon LinkParameters

resourcesResource []The resources to add.
predicatePredicate <InputValue[]>-

Icon LinkReturns

This transaction.

Icon LinkInherited from

Icon LinkDefined in

Icon LinkaddResource

addResource(resource): ScriptTransactionRequest
Adds a single resource to the transaction by adding a coin/message input and a change output for the related assetId, if one it was not added yet.

Icon LinkParameters

resourceResource The resource to add.

Icon LinkReturns

This transaction.

Icon LinkInherited from

Icon LinkDefined in

Icon LinkaddResources

addResources(resources): ScriptTransactionRequest
Adds multiple resources to the transaction by adding coin/message inputs and change outputs from the related assetIds.

Icon LinkParameters

resourcesreadonly Resource []The resources to add.

Icon LinkReturns

This transaction.

Icon LinkInherited from

Icon LinkDefined in

Icon LinkaddVariableOutputs

addVariableOutputs(numberOfVariables?): number
Adds variable outputs to the transaction request.

Icon LinkParameters

NameTypeDefault valueDescription
numberOfVariablesnumber1The number of variables to add.

Icon LinkReturns

The new length of the outputs array.

Icon LinkDefined in

Icon LinkcalculateMaxGas

calculateMaxGas(chainInfo, minGas): BN

Icon LinkParameters


Icon LinkReturns


Icon LinkOverrides

Icon LinkDefined in

Icon LinkfundWithFakeUtxos

fundWithFakeUtxos(quantities, resourcesOwner?): void
Funds the transaction with fake UTXOs for each assetId and amount in the quantities array.

Icon LinkParameters

quantitiesCoinQuantity []CoinQuantity Array.
resourcesOwner?AbstractAddress -

Icon LinkReturns


Icon LinkInherited from

Icon LinkDefined in

Icon LinkgetBaseTransaction

getBaseTransaction(): ToBaseTransactionResponse
Method to obtain the base transaction details.

Icon LinkReturns

The base transaction details.

Icon LinkInherited from

Icon LinkDefined in

Icon LinkgetChangeOutputs

getChangeOutputs(): ChangeTransactionRequestOutput []
Gets the change outputs for a transaction.

Icon LinkReturns

The change outputs.

Icon LinkInherited from

Icon LinkDefined in

Icon LinkgetCoinInputs

getCoinInputs(): CoinTransactionRequestInput []
Gets the coin inputs for a transaction.

Icon LinkReturns

The coin inputs.

Icon LinkInherited from

Icon LinkDefined in

Icon LinkgetCoinOutputs

getCoinOutputs(): CoinTransactionRequestOutput []
Gets the coin outputs for a transaction.

Icon LinkReturns

The coin outputs.

Icon LinkInherited from

Icon LinkDefined in

Icon LinkgetCoinOutputsQuantities

getCoinOutputsQuantities(): CoinQuantity []
Retrieves an array of CoinQuantity for each coin output present in the transaction. a transaction.

Icon LinkReturns

CoinQuantity array.

Icon LinkInherited from

Icon LinkDefined in

Icon LinkgetContractInputs

getContractInputs(): ContractTransactionRequestInput []
Get contract inputs for the transaction.

Icon LinkReturns

An array of contract transaction request inputs.

Icon LinkDefined in

Icon LinkgetContractOutputs

getContractOutputs(): ContractTransactionRequestOutput []
Get contract outputs for the transaction.

Icon LinkReturns

An array of contract transaction request outputs.

Icon LinkDefined in

Icon LinkgetTransactionId

getTransactionId(chainId): string
Gets the Transaction Request by hashing the transaction.

Icon LinkParameters

chainIdnumberThe chain ID.

Icon LinkReturns

  • A hash of the transaction, which is the transaction ID.

Icon LinkOverrides

Icon LinkDefined in

Icon LinkgetVariableOutputs

getVariableOutputs(): VariableTransactionRequestOutput []
Get variable outputs for the transaction.

Icon LinkReturns

An array of variable transaction request outputs.

Icon LinkDefined in

Icon LinkmetadataGas

metadataGas(gasCosts): BN

Icon LinkParameters


Icon LinkReturns


Icon LinkOverrides


Icon LinkDefined in

Icon LinksetData

setData(abi, args): ScriptTransactionRequest
Sets the data for the transaction request.

Icon LinkParameters

abiJsonAbiScript JSON ABI.
argsInputValue[]The input arguments.

Icon LinkReturns

The current instance of the ScriptTransactionRequest.

Icon LinkDefined in

Icon LinksetScript

setScript<T>(script, data): void
Set the script and its data.

Icon LinkType parameters


Icon LinkParameters

scriptAbstractScriptRequest<T>The abstract script request.
dataTThe script data.

Icon LinkReturns


Icon LinkDefined in

Icon LinktoJSON

toJSON(): any
Return the minimum amount in native coins required to create a transaction.

Icon LinkReturns

The transaction as a JSON object.

Icon LinkInherited from

Icon LinkDefined in

Icon LinktoTransaction

toTransaction(): TransactionScript
Converts the transaction request to a TransactionScript.

Icon LinkReturns

The transaction script object.

Icon LinkOverrides

Icon LinkDefined in

Icon LinktoTransactionBytes

toTransactionBytes(): Uint8Array
Converts the transaction request to a byte array.

Icon LinkReturns

The transaction bytes.

Icon LinkInherited from

Icon LinkDefined in

Icon LinkupdatePredicateInputs

updatePredicateInputs(inputs): void

Icon LinkParameters

inputsTransactionRequestInput []

Icon LinkReturns


Icon LinkInherited from

Icon LinkDefined in

Icon LinkupdateWitness

updateWitness(index, witness): void
Updates an existing witness without any side effects.
If the witness does not exist.

Icon LinkParameters

indexnumberThe index of the witness to update.
witnessBytesLike The new witness.

Icon LinkReturns


Icon LinkInherited from

Icon LinkDefined in

Icon LinkupdateWitnessByOwner

updateWitnessByOwner(address, signature): void
Updates the witness for a given owner and signature.

Icon LinkParameters

addressstring | AbstractAddress The address to get the coin input witness index for.
signatureBytesLike The signature to update the witness with.

Icon LinkReturns


Icon LinkInherited from

Icon LinkDefined in

Icon Linkfrom

Icon LinkParameters


Icon LinkReturns

Icon LinkDefined in

Icon LinkgetPolicyMeta

getPolicyMeta(req): Object

Icon LinkParameters

Icon LinkReturns


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