Icon HelpCircleForumIcon Link


Icon HelpCircleForumIcon Link

Icon LinkClass: BaseWalletUnlocked

@fuel-ts/account .BaseWalletUnlocked
BaseWalletUnlocked provides the base functionalities for an unlocked wallet.

Icon LinkHierarchy

Icon LinkConstructors

Icon Linkconstructor

new BaseWalletUnlocked(privateKey, provider?): BaseWalletUnlocked
Creates a new BaseWalletUnlocked instance.

Icon LinkParameters

privateKeyBytesLike The private key of the wallet.
provider?Provider A Provider instance (optional).

Icon LinkReturns

Icon LinkOverrides

Icon LinkDefined in

Icon LinkProperties

Icon Link_connector

Protected Optional _connector: FuelConnector

Icon LinkInherited from

Icon LinkDefined in

Icon Link_provider

Protected Optional _provider: Provider
The provider used to interact with the network.

Icon LinkInherited from

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Icon Linkaddress

Readonly address: AbstractAddress
The address associated with the account.

Icon LinkInherited from

Icon LinkDefined in

Icon Linksigner

signer: () => Signer

Icon LinkType declaration

▸ (): Signer
A function that returns the wallet's signer.

Icon LinkReturns

Icon LinkDefined in

Icon LinkdefaultPath

Static defaultPath: string = "m/44'/1179993420'/0'/0/0"
Default HDWallet path.

Icon LinkDefined in

Icon LinkAccessors

Icon LinkprivateKey

get privateKey(): string
Gets the private key of the wallet.

Icon LinkReturns

The private key of the wallet.

Icon LinkDefined in

Icon Linkprovider

get provider(): Provider
The provider used to interact with the network.
FuelError if the provider is not set.

Icon LinkReturns

A Provider instance.

Icon LinkInherited from


Icon LinkDefined in

set provider(provider): void
Sets the provider for the account.

Icon LinkParameters

providerProvider A Provider instance.

Icon LinkReturns


Icon LinkInherited from


Icon LinkDefined in

Icon LinkpublicKey

get publicKey(): string
Gets the public key of the wallet.

Icon LinkReturns


Icon LinkDefined in

Icon LinkMethods

Icon Linkconnect

connect(provider): Provider
Changes the provider connection for the account.

Icon LinkParameters

providerProvider A Provider instance.

Icon LinkReturns

The updated Provider instance.

Icon LinkInherited from

Icon LinkDefined in

Icon LinkcreateTransfer

createTransfer(destination, amount, assetId?, txParams?): Promise<TransactionRequest >
A helper that creates a transfer transaction request and returns it.

Icon LinkParameters

NameTypeDefault valueDescription
destinationstring | AbstractAddress undefinedThe address of the destination.
amountBigNumberishundefinedThe amount of coins to transfer.
assetIdBytesLike BaseAssetIdThe asset ID of the coins to transfer.
txParamsTxParamsType {}The transaction parameters (gasLimit, gasPrice, maturity).

Icon LinkReturns

A promise that resolves to the prepared transaction request.

Icon LinkInherited from

Icon LinkDefined in

Icon Linkencrypt

encrypt(password): Promise<string>

Icon LinkParameters


Icon LinkReturns


Icon LinkDefined in

Icon Linkfund

fund<T>(request, coinQuantities, fee): Promise<void>
Adds resources to the transaction enough to fund it.

Icon LinkType parameters

Textends TransactionRequest

Icon LinkParameters

requestTThe transaction request.
coinQuantitiesCoinQuantity []The coin quantities required to execute the transaction.
feeBNThe estimated transaction fee.

Icon LinkReturns

A promise that resolves when the resources are added to the transaction.

Icon LinkInherited from

Icon LinkDefined in

Icon LinkgetBalance

getBalance(assetId?): Promise<BN>
Retrieves the balance of the account for the given asset.

Icon LinkParameters

NameTypeDefault valueDescription
assetIdBytesLike BaseAssetIdThe asset ID to check the balance for.

Icon LinkReturns

A promise that resolves to the balance amount.

Icon LinkInherited from

Icon LinkDefined in

Icon LinkgetBalances

getBalances(): Promise<CoinQuantity []>
Retrieves all the balances for the account.

Icon LinkReturns

Promise<CoinQuantity []>
A promise that resolves to an array of Coins and their quantities.

Icon LinkInherited from

Icon LinkDefined in

Icon LinkgetCoins

getCoins(assetId?): Promise<Coin []>
Retrieves coins owned by the account.

Icon LinkParameters

assetId?BytesLike The asset ID of the coins to retrieve.

Icon LinkReturns

Promise<Coin []>
A promise that resolves to an array of Coins.

Icon LinkInherited from

Icon LinkDefined in

Icon LinkgetMessages

getMessages(): Promise<Message []>
Retrieves messages owned by the account.

Icon LinkReturns

Promise<Message []>
A promise that resolves to an array of Messages.

Icon LinkInherited from

Icon LinkDefined in

Icon LinkgetResourcesToSpend

getResourcesToSpend(quantities, excludedIds?): Promise<Resource []>
Retrieves resources satisfying the spend query for the account.

Icon LinkParameters

quantitiesCoinQuantityLike []IDs of coins to exclude.
excludedIds?ExcludeResourcesOptionIDs of resources to be excluded from the query.

Icon LinkReturns

Promise<Resource []>
A promise that resolves to an array of Resources.

Icon LinkInherited from

Icon LinkDefined in

Icon LinkpopulateTransactionWitnessesSignature

populateTransactionWitnessesSignature(transactionRequestLike): Promise<TransactionRequest >
Populates a transaction with the witnesses signature.

Icon LinkParameters

transactionRequestLikeTransactionRequestLike The transaction request to populate.

Icon LinkReturns

The populated transaction request.

Icon LinkDefined in

Icon LinksendTransaction

sendTransaction(transactionRequestLike, «destructured»?): Promise<TransactionResponse >
Populates the witness signature for a transaction and sends it to the network using provider.sendTransaction.

Icon LinkParameters

transactionRequestLikeTransactionRequestLike The transaction request to send.
«destructured»ProviderSendTxParams -

Icon LinkReturns

A promise that resolves to the TransactionResponse object.

Icon LinkOverrides

Icon LinkDefined in

Icon LinksignMessage

signMessage(message): Promise<string>
Signs a message with the wallet's private key.

Icon LinkParameters

messagestringThe message to sign.

Icon LinkReturns

A promise that resolves to the signature as a ECDSA 64 bytes string.

Icon LinkOverrides

Icon LinkDefined in

Icon LinksignTransaction

signTransaction(transactionRequestLike): Promise<string>
Signs a transaction with the wallet's private key.

Icon LinkParameters

transactionRequestLikeTransactionRequestLike The transaction request to sign.

Icon LinkReturns

A promise that resolves to the signature as a ECDSA 64 bytes string.

Icon LinkOverrides

Icon LinkDefined in

Icon LinksimulateTransaction

simulateTransaction(transactionRequestLike, «destructured»?): Promise<CallResult >
Populates the witness signature for a transaction and sends a call to the network using provider.call.

Icon LinkParameters

transactionRequestLikeTransactionRequestLike The transaction request to simulate.
«destructured»EstimateTransactionParams -

Icon LinkReturns

Promise<CallResult >
A promise that resolves to the CallResult object.

Icon LinkOverrides

Icon LinkDefined in

Icon Linktransfer

transfer(destination, amount, assetId?, txParams?): Promise<TransactionResponse >
Transfers coins to a destination address.

Icon LinkParameters

NameTypeDefault valueDescription
destinationstring | AbstractAddress undefinedThe address of the destination.
amountBigNumberishundefinedThe amount of coins to transfer.
assetIdBytesLike BaseAssetIdThe asset ID of the coins to transfer.
txParamsTxParamsType {}The transaction parameters (gasLimit, gasPrice, maturity).

Icon LinkReturns

A promise that resolves to the transaction response.

Icon LinkInherited from

Icon LinkDefined in

Icon LinktransferToContract

transferToContract(contractId, amount, assetId?, txParams?): Promise<TransactionResponse >
Transfers coins to a contract address.

Icon LinkParameters

NameTypeDefault valueDescription
contractIdstring | AbstractAddress undefinedThe address of the contract.
amountBigNumberishundefinedThe amount of coins to transfer.
assetIdBytesLike BaseAssetIdThe asset ID of the coins to transfer.
txParamsTxParamsType {}The optional transaction parameters.

Icon LinkReturns

A promise that resolves to the transaction response.

Icon LinkInherited from

Icon LinkDefined in

Icon LinkwithdrawToBaseLayer

withdrawToBaseLayer(recipient, amount, txParams?): Promise<TransactionResponse >
Withdraws an amount of the base asset to the base chain.

Icon LinkParameters

recipientstring | AbstractAddress Address of the recipient on the base chain.
amountBigNumberishAmount of base asset.
txParamsTxParamsType The optional transaction parameters.

Icon LinkReturns

A promise that resolves to the transaction response.

Icon LinkInherited from

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